
Shinhan Financial Group

    Founded in 1897, Shinhan Financial Group is the oldest Financial Group in South Korea which now has grown into a leading Global Financial Group by taking full advantage of its synergy capabilities known as “One Shinhan”. Shinhan Financial Group has 16 subsidiaries which provide their customers with first-class financial services, including banking, credit cards, securities, insurance, and asset management.

    The Group uses a matrix system in order to expand the business areas of each subsidiary, to ensure a coherent and efficient strategy within the Group, and to optimize the use of its resources, such as capital and personnel. Shinhan Financial Group is implementing the “One Shinhan” strategy, a highly collaborative way of working closely at the Group level. It is not just a slogan but a strategy that brings together the products and services of all subsidiaries to provide customers with optimized financial solutions.

Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia

    PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia was established based on the Deed of Establishment No. 10 dated March 28, 2011, Articles of Association Deed No. 8 dated April 28, 2011 in front of notary Ronaldie Christie, SH, Mkn in Jakarta with the initial name of PT Archipelago Asset Management; where PT Erdikha Elit Capital and PT Erdikha Investama acted as shareholders of the company. In 2018, Shinhan Financial Group through Shinhan Investment Corp took over some of the shares of PT Archipelago Asset Management through its business unit, PT Shinhan Sekuritas Indonesia. After the acquisition, Shinhan Financial Group through its subsidiary PT Shinhan Sekuritas Indonesia owns 75% of the share while the remaining 25% is owned by PT Erdikha Investama.

    PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia was approved as an Asset Management company by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with Decree Number AHU-27741.AH.01.01.Year 2011 dated June 1, 2011. The articles of association and deeds of amendment of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia were last amended with Deed Number 53 dated 12 September 2018 in front of Dr. Irawan Soerodjo, SH, MSi, a notary in Jakarta and has obtained approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Decree dated 13 September 2018 Number AHU-0018932.AH.01.02.TAHUN 2018.

    PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia has obtained a business license as an Investment Manager from the Financial Services Authority with the Decree of the Chairman of BAPEPAM AND LK Number KEP-04 / BL / MI / 2012 dated April 9, 2012.

Investment Manager Experience

    PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia is a company formed to focus its business as an Investment Manager. Supported by professionals who are experienced in their fields, PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia can help provide quality direction and investment management to its customers. This is the mandate of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia to achieve optimal investment results. PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia has experience managing community funds in the form of Mutual Funds and Discretionary Funds. Funds under management by the end of November 2018 are Rp. 1,431,590,180,615.18.

Parties Affiliated With Asset Management

    Affiliated parties with Investment Managers are PT Supreme Cable Manufacturing Tbk., PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk and PT Erdikha Elit Sekuritas, PT Shinhan Bank Indonesia, PT Shinhan Sekuritas Indonesia, and PT Shinhan Indo Finance.


    Investment Manager company that being the choice of the Customer in excellent service and optimum performance.


    Become an Investment Manager Company that can provide Flexible Investment Products in accordance with Customer's wishes and market conditions, especially in Indonesia.

Good Corporate Governance

    The main guidelines for the work of Directors and Commissioners
    The basis for implementing the evaluation of the Governance of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia is based on:

    1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies ("Company Law");
    2. Bapepam-LK Regulation No.VA3, Attachment to the Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam-LK No: KEP-479 / BL / 29, concerning Licensing of Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities as an Investment Manager ("Regulation No.VA3");
    3. OJK Regulation No.24 / POJK.04 / 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Investment Manager Functions ("POJK No.24");
    4. OJK Regulation No. 27 / POJK.03 / 2016 concerning Assessment of Capability and Compliance for Main Parties of Financial Services Institutions ("POJK No. 27");
    5. OJK Regulation No.10 / POJK.04 / 2018 concerning Implementation of Investment Manager Governance ("POJK No.10")
    6. Deed of Articles of Association of the Company ("AD"); and
    7. Other internal procedures, policies and provisions including changes that may arise as well as other applicable provisions.

    Brief Description of Compliance, Risk Management and Internal Audit
    The compliance, risk management and internal audit functions include external and internal who act independently and have unlimited access to other Investment Manager functions related to their duties to ensure compliance with the implementation of Investment Manager functions.

    PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia has and implements written policies and procedures related to supervision of the behavior and activities of the Investment Manager, implements policies and periodically identifies and monitors the overall risk position and according to the type of risk, and makes plans, controls, and records all implementation of audit activities. internal, then compiles an internal audit report after conducting each internal audit to be submitted to the board of commissioners.

Organizational Structure

    Kepemilikan Saham Shinhan

Employee License List

Koh Suk Jin
Tjiong Toni
Hendra Sunarto
Ignatius Geoffrey James
Effendi Hasim
Furi Royyan Habibi
Dedy Hendrawan
Niken Damayanti
Maryam Pissestiandini
Astrid K Rako
Willy Pandi
Amelia Sintama
Fransisca Christiana Sari

Share Ownership Structure

Kepemilikan Saham Shinhan

Board Of Commissioners

Komisaris Shinhan
    Koh Suk Jin
    Graduated with Master Degree Economic and Administration Business in 2000 from the University of Helsinky (Finland) and Bachelor Degree from Seoul National University (Korea), Majoring in Business Administration (1992) Mr. Koh Suk Jin joined Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia on November 1, 2018 and holds Capital Market proficiency certificate as Wakil Manajer Investasi from TICMI.
    Rudi Soemardjo
    Graduated from the University of Canbera , Australia majoring in Master of Business Administration, Mr. Rudi Soemardjo has more than 16 years of experience in the Financial Industry including Banking and Capital Market. Prior to joining Shinhan Asset Management, Mr. Rudi Soemardjo worked as a Corporate and Investment Banking Director at the Societe Generale Indonesia for 4 years. Mr. Rudi Soemardjo is also a Managing Director at PT Demak Indah Kencana (Logistic Company) from 2015 until now.

Board Of Directors

Direksi Shinhan
    Tjiong Toni
    Graduated from Tarumanegara University in 1996, Mr. Tjiong Toni has a 22 years’ experience in the capital market industry. Prior to joining Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia in 2017, he served as the President Director of Erdikha Elit Sekuritas . Mr. Tjiong Toni holds the licences from Financial Services Authority as a Broker Representative with Registration No. KEP 3351/PM.212/KPJWPPE/2016, Underwriter No. KEP 367/PM.212/KPJ WPEE/2016 and as Wakil Manajer Investasi with Registration No. KEP 906/PM.211/PJWMI/2018.
    Hendra Sunarto
    As Director of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia. Graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Atmajaya University in 1988. Has work experience of more than 22 (twenty two) years in the financial and capital market industries. Joined PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia in 2011. Already has a license from the Financial Services Authority as a Representative of Brokers with No. KEP-1414 / PM.212 / KPJ-WPPE / 2016 on 16 December 2016, and as Deputy Investment Manager No.KEP-343 / PM.211 / PJ-WMI / 2018 on November 5, 2018.

Investment Committee

    The Investment Committee will direct and oversee the Investment Management Team in carrying out daily investment policies and strategies in accordance with the investment objectives. The Investment Committee consists of:

    Koh Suk Jin
    Chairman of the Investment Committee and also as Independent Commissioner of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia. Bachelor from Seoul National University (Korea), Business Administration in 1992 and graduated from the University of Helsinky (Finland) with a specialization in Economic and Business Administration in 2000. Joined PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia on November 1, 2018. Already has Capital Market proficiency examination certificate as Deputy Investment Manager from TICMI.
    Rudi Soemardjo
    Member of the Investment Committee of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia. Graduated from the University of Canbera, Australia with a Masters in Business Administration, Mr. Rudi Soemardjo has more than 16 years of experience in the Financial Industry including Banking and Capital Markets. Prior to joining Shinhan Asset Management, Mr. Rudi Soemardjo worked as Director of Corporate and Investment Banking at Societe Generale Indonesia for 4 years. Mr. Rudi Soemardjo also serves as Managing Director at PT Demak Indah Kencana (Logistics Company) from 2015 until now.
    Tjiong Toni
    Member of the Investment Committee of PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia. Graduated from Tarumanegara University majoring in Accounting in 1996. Has work experience for more than 22 (twenty two) years in the financial industry and capital markets. Joined PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia Indonesia in 2017. Has a license from the Financial Services Authority as a Representative of Brokers with No. KEP-3351 / PM.212 / KPJWPPE / 2016 dated 16 December 2016, Underwriter Representative No. KEP-367 / PM.212 / KPJ-WPEE / 2016 dated 15 December 2016 and as Deputy Investment Manager No. KEP-906 / PM.211 / PJ-WMI / 2018 dated December 21, 2018.

Achievements & Awards - Infobank

Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Balanced Fund
    Best Balanced Mutual Fund 2019 For 5 Years
    AUM < IDR 100Billion
Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Equity Growth
    Best Equity Mutual Fund 2019 For 5 Years
    AUM < IDR 100Billion
Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Balanced Fund
    Best Balance d Mutual Fund 2019 For 3 Years
    AUM < IDR 100Billion
Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Equity Growth
    Best Equity Mutual Fund 2019 For 3 Years
    AUM < IDR 100Billion

Achievements & Awards - Bareksa

Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Equity Growth
    Gold Champion
    Best Equity Product 5 Years
    AUM < IDR 100Billion

Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Balance Fund
    Gold Champion
    Best Balance d Product 5 Years
    AUM < IDR 100Billion

Penghargaan Shinhan
    PT Shinhan Asset Management Indonesia
    Gold Champion
    Best Balance d Product 5 Years
    AUM < IDR 250Billion

Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Equity Growth
    Gold Champion
    Best Equity d Product 3 Years
    AUM < IDR 200Billion

Achievements & Awards - Infovesta

Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Equity Growth
    Best Equity Mutual Fund 2020 for 5 Year
Penghargaan Shinhan
    RD Shinhan Balanced Fund
    Best BalancedMutual Fund 2021 for 5 Years